My photographs explore distances. The distances-between. Constructs in isolation. Forms in stillness. Substance and separation.
Distance, with the light that gives it volume, is a form of stillness. I want to reach this stillness and listen. To catch a glimpse across a span of quietude. Maybe speak with it.
'sites' embodies one strand: the distances-between of our human landscapes: designed, constructed, inhabited, delineated, boundaried. This terrain is the place of social dreaming. As with other dreams, much remains unspoken. These projects employ a structured mode of seeing, often highly ordered and insistent. From such insistence a quieter sense can find its place.
'subjective' leads another way: the distances-between of photography as a mode of seeing. If human-made sites pose the surfaces of a collective dream, photographs themselves suggest another act of dreaming: a dream that points beyond itself. What is it to see through photography? What signals that moment of seeing past the content of a photograph? When you slip past its borderlines you find yourself in another space.